Yeah, we used to hunt a place you could see 20 to 60 deer a day from daylight to dark. Property was 4200 acres. I saw 23 racked bucks in one day back in 2005. Biologist said we needed to kill a minimum of 125 does, We did. After that, it was normally 4, at best 8 deer a day for 4 years, but got better every year after, with less female deer killed. I know where I hunt now in Chambers and Tallapoosa, if you see 10 - 12 - 18 deer an afternoon on a greenfield, you have some exceptional property or either own the property and have the right to manage the habitat, but with leases and lumber companies, having that right doesn't exist. Odd thing is, we killed 120 to 150 inch deer when we had deer around every corner, and still killed the same size deer after the murder years, so I don't buy into the argument that '' thinning the does '' makes the deer healthier and bucks headgear bigger. I never remember seeing a deer starving or down with scurvy or anorexia before the QDMA kill all the does craze became the new catch phrase for Alabama hunting.