Everyone always wants the "good ole days" to return. Certainly it is nice to see deer & lots of deer. I remember the days of 20-30 does in the field. I also remember the "management". Most shot legal bucks (antler above the hairline). I can remember folks shaving back the hair to make the horn visible. Not a lot of legal deer were allowed to walk. The strict clubs required deer to have a forked horn.

I also remember the doe days of the late 80's. At daylight it was a war zone. Me & my buddies ran man drives on every piece of property we could access. Shot every deer we could. It was a bloodbath!! I also remember the timing being when kids were out of school for the holidays (right during the rut here).

Can remember deer drives when the Walker dogs were as big as the does. Also remember years when deer died off in early spring.

By my recollection it is not an era I would like to see repeated.

Last edited by Fishduck; 02/06/15 06:17 AM. Reason: Spelling