I do agree that just sitting in a ground blind over decoys doesn't require much skill in the way of calling or woodsmanship. My only point is that fanning is on the same level, in my opinion. I don't think using fans or strutter decoys to kill turkeys requires a good knowledge of terrain or sneaking. Just like using decoys and sitting, it requires you to know where turkeys are and using their sexual aggression to deter their normal waryness. I've seen people almost stand up on two legs walking to a turkey with a fan and the turkey still charges them.

The truth is, if you think you're mastered turkey hunting, you may want to re-evaluate. I firmly believe no one will ever master turkey hunting. You may be good at it, but you never know enough to where you can't learn something new.

I guess we'll just agree to disagree.

Last edited by AU_trout_bum; 02/04/15 11:05 AM.

Author, Fly Fishing for Redeye Bass: An Adventure Across Southern Waters
JacksonKayak Fishing Team
"I do not hunt turkeys because I want to, I hunt them because I have to." - Tom Kelly