Originally Posted By: Beadlescomb

Originally Posted By: Southwood7
Originally Posted By: Beadlescomb
I just like to deer hunt. I killed 4-5 does and two bucks this year we will eat these and probably run out before next year. I gave two of them to a family that lives down the street. I hunt to eat and the last thing I want is someone stepping and adding more regulations. We are just about regulated to death as it is. Not everyone hunts to kill bucks. A lot of us just hunt because we like to hunt.if you don't like the rules alabama has in place take your ass to another state and hunt.

What a short sighted comment. There are hunters all over the state saying the deer numbers are down, but you don't care. Bygod I'm going to kill 7 deer a year and nobody is going to tell me I can't.

I hunt several pieces of public land and saw deer almost everytime in different places around the state. except for twice and those are when I went with other people and sat on a green field on a club. If you think killing a deer or two all around central alabama is going to hurt the population you are sadly mistaken
Let me get this straight: you saw deer, on public land, which therefore means you saw deer on land with managed and prescribed doe days. You didn't see deer on private property where there aren't doe days.

You do realize what you just said completely defeats your argument? The fact that you saw deer every time on land managed by doe days plays into everyone's argument for less doe killing. Unbelievable.