Originally Posted By: Southwood7
Originally Posted By: Beadlescomb
I just like to deer hunt. I killed 4-5 does and two bucks this year we will eat these and probably run out before next year. I gave two of them to a family that lives down the street. I hunt to eat and the last thing I want is someone stepping and adding more regulations. We are just about regulated to death as it is. Not everyone hunts to kill bucks. A lot of us just hunt because we like to hunt.if you don't like the rules alabama has in place take your ass to another state and hunt.

What a short sighted comment. There are hunters all over the state saying the deer numbers are down, but you don't care. Bygod I'm going to kill 7 deer a year and nobody is going to tell me I can't.

Areas all over the state, but NOT the whole state, that's what some of us have a problem with. Those that can't see deer for what ever reason got the season changed for the whole state. I got a problem with that, sorry.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.