Originally Posted By: R_H_Clark
Originally Posted By: Clem

Going to a limit would push more people to get into DMAP, which the DCNR has pushed aggressively.

If y'all want more government control and restriction of what you can do on your land, just keep pushing for a yearly limit on does to go along with the one on bucks. Before long some of y'all will be wanting 3 does and 1 buck and all the "because no one NEEDS more than ..." bullcrap.

It's amazing how many folks want government to leave them alone until it come s to deer hunting and then they don't mind the restrictions, and actually ask for them.

I want as little government control as possible. I only kill what I need for meat. The problem isn't limits or days it's hunters who want to kill just because they can. I've known several who would kill deer with no use for them and then beg someone to take them off their hands. I don't care if you use 1 deer or 12 every year as long as you are using what you kill. IMHO people who just want to kill for the thrill give hunters a bad name.

I give a lot away, no way I could use all the deer I take off our place. My property, I have a good feel of how many need killed and I give most away. I'm not breaking any laws and the folks that get them seem mighty happy. I don't get a thrill out of shooting does, it's necessary work.

Last edited by 2Dogs; 02/01/15 03:34 PM.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.