Originally Posted By: jaredhunts
I always liked to say the biguns always start to move on the first day of February. Could this be for the fact that everyone is out of the woods and the deer know? I'm sure for the first 2 maybe 3 seasons this will be an exciting experience but as time goes on the deer, in my opinion will become aware of the threat and continue to lay low to wait us out. Some nice deer will be taken for sure in the next few days. We can say it is the rut coming in to full swing but could it also be an unfamiliar time frame for the deer if they have an internal clock that is telling them that this time of year the hunters are gone?

maybe something to your theory, my nephew got his first buck this morning around Excel... he is proud young man!

WM Hunter "Trump literally sacrificed himself, his family and all of his businesses for this country.
He literally is a true American hero. And True American Patriot - warts and all."