Originally Posted By: AUdeerhunter
Originally Posted By: mmusso
Just got settled. Corn is all gone. Maybe i need to move...

Originally Posted By: mmusso
Deer down

Congrats! You must've had a few kernels left? laugh

Nah, it was gone, but she walked right up to where it was yesterday and gave me a nice 20yd shot. Who knew corn pulled them in?? crazy
After I shot her, I immediately nocked another arrow, watched the deer I shot go down, and then waited to see what the other 2 does were going to do. Of course they had stopped behind trees (why not?!) trying to figure out what just happened. I didn't have a clear shot, and then they bolted directly away. I wanted 2 or 3, but I'll take 1 over none any day. Great way to end my season. Good luck to the rest of y'all still hunting...

"No, I'm not a good shot, but I shoot often."
- Teddy Roosevelt