Originally Posted By: timmytruck
Originally Posted By: GomerPyle

Originally Posted By: Vernon Tull
I saw another video where an IFB pastor told his congregation not to use their iPads for Bible texts during sermons. He told them -- seriously -- that God prefers them to use a black leather Bible and only one in KJV.

My wife's granddad is a Baptist preacher and he'll tell you that he thinks churches shouldn't use projector screens to display verses or hymn lyrics because it "takes their eyes off of their Bibles". He also says people shouldn't use a bible app on their phone during church for the same reason.

I love the man but just have to shake my head. The bible isn't the leather, ink and paper, its the message within it. Doesn't matter how you get it.

I have to partially agree with your wife's granddad about the projector screens. While they can enhance a service in many ways they do indeed take your eyes off of the Bible. To prove my point, next time you go to a church that uses them for scripture look around at the number of people that don't bring a Bible. They seem to get used to the scripture being provided so they don't bring the word with them. Personally, I wish they wouldn't use them during the song service or for scripture. Of course there are those that aren't going to bring one anyway.

Personally, I always look up the scripture myself in My KJV, so it doesn't matter what they put up there to me. But as long as they are reading real scriptures and not paraphrased text, why would the source of script matter so much. Some of the older folks can see it much better on the big screen.