Originally Posted By: Tru-Talker
Originally Posted By: metalmuncher
Originally Posted By: Tru-Talker
Could always hit Charleston.....it's a popular place for the women folk..... Lots of good stuff for them to look at and plenty of fine food....

Never been there. Anything there for a feller to enjoy too?

I do enjoy food though. But I'm talking about a big slab of livestock on My plate.

Don't know about things to do for men... Ain't no way in hell I was gonna go.... My wife went with some friends and family....but they had a blast.... Which meant we men wouldn't....

Ohhh... Thats explains a lot,.. I thought there was a height requirement, the reason you didn't go.. laugh laugh

"You do and it will be the biggest mistake you ever made, you Texas brush popper" John Wayne