I haven't seen any trespassers on my property, but tonight I was walking up near where I found my deer on Monday, and not far from where I found my deer, I found a bottle of acorn spray. It was empty, but it looked brand new, so it hasn't been there long. No one leases the property next to me, and no one else has permission to hunt our property. We have a 10 acre piece attached to my property that borders a small piece of land that belongs to someone else, but I haven't seen anyone on that property all season (the only to access that piece would be to park right near where I park). Since I haven't seen anyone there (and I've hunted a lot this season), and the fact that the acorn spray bottle was on my property, I think it is safe to assume it's not the neighboring landowner, but a trespasser.
There's only 2 days left of the season, so putting out cameras makes little sense at this point. I hunt this property alone, so a face to face confrontation is not what I want, because we all know how that could end. What would y'all do?