In 20+ years turkey hunting I've only a few encounters and most weren't venomous or close. I did encounter some copperheads one morning on the way to a gobbler. I was easing down a logging road toward a gobbling bird that I had been hunting and it had been very cool the night before. I stopped to listen and get a better location on him and when I did I looked down and noticed a big mess of snakes at my feet. Upon further inspection it was 3 copperheads that had apparently been out sunning the evening before and got cold and couldn't move. I guess they wound themselves together to keep some body heat. Needless to say; I went on my way to the bird. He was henned up and after a couple of hours I decided to back out and give him some time. On my way back out I started looking for the snakes and they had gotten warm enough to separate but not enough that one shot wouldn't still get all of them:). So I did away with them before it got too warm.