I'm straying a little from the subject but, I never had a problem with a snake, but I had a bat that got after me once. I was walking in on a trail to bow hunt. Right after entering the woods, I see this hideous black rat looking thing right in front of me on the ground. I stepped back and it stretched its wings out and made some kind of noise. I decided to go around it and it kind of crab walked over in front of me. In my mind he was saying " Thou shalt not pass!". I try to go to the right and he crab walks and raises up again. At that point I'm wondering if the thing can fly. At that same time it gets enough air to jump on my snake boot and starts going crazy. I'm sure it would have made an interesting video of me dancing around trying to kick a bat off my foot. Anyhow, I some how got away from it and it mysteriously died right there.