Go shoot as many brands and styles as you can at multiple dealers before you buy. Everybody has a different preference for the way they shoot and feel. For example, I like the way short axle to axle bows shoot and feel. I also don't like the draw cycle of most dual cams. These are my preferences but most people would call me crazy. When you shoot enough of them you'll realize that you favor certain characteristics and then you can narrow your search.

Don't buy into the hype about brands and this technology or that. That's just NASCAR Ford vs. Chevy talk. They are all good bows, they all shoot fast, all are accurate. I've never shot "bad" one. Buy the one that feels right.

Also, look into joining the BHA. They have casual shoots every weekend where you will learn a ton from the members and it's a lot of fun while waiting for bow season to come back around.

Last edited by jbsbama; 01/23/15 06:22 PM.


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