Originally Posted By: ElkHunter
DW that is a good question. But you can't break it down along those lines. It is just not that simple.

In some cases, the client buys the trap but pays us to monitor them and do the catching.

In other cases, it is our equipment.

And in others, I have been loaning the electronics to potential clients so that they can see it in action. They are putting the cameras and other equipment on an existing corral trap and catching pigs like crazy. And as planned they send me a check for the equipment once they see it in action.

And yes, in some cases, we have clients buying the traps and completely doing their own thing. I do not count the pigs these clients catch. And in fact, I seldom hear about their catches unless they catch a bunch.

So, to answer your question as accurately as possible, I am only counting pigs that I am directly involved in catching.


"You do and it will be the biggest mistake you ever made, you Texas brush popper" John Wayne