Ok, still no bow kill. I only killed one small deer last year which led to venison rationing at my house which is difficult with a 14 yr old boy who prefers it to beef. So when rifle season started, filling the freezer became the priority. That's accomplished now so today I went back to the bow. This morning I watched a spike mill around for about 20 minutes. I let him walk. This evening I went to the same stand and didn't see anything. When I felt like it was too dark to shoot I stood up and drew my bow to make sure I couldn't execute a shot and decided it was time to pack it up. I had no sooner un-nocked my arrow and returned it to my quiver than I heard something walking towards me. There was still enough light to see but just barely. I realized it was a deer and scrambled to re-nock an arrow. No shooting light? Who said there was no shooting light!? So I could see it was a deer but I couldn't tell what sort (buck or doe), honestly at that point it didn't really matter to me. I drew on what was about a 15 yard shot and I could see my pins through my peep but I saw all of them. I couldn't isolate a single pin and I couldn't get it lined up on the deer at all much less it's vitals. There just wasn't enough light. I let off and waited for the deer to pass. It was behind me now and when I peeked around the other side of the tree I think it sensed something because it just froze and so did I. The last thing I wanted was for this deer to see me in the tree. It seemed like it took a really long time and at one point I wasn't sure that it didn't actually bed down right there but it finally moved on. I gave it a few minutes and climbed down and headed out. 5 or 10 minutes earlier and I would have had my 1st bow kill.