Originally Posted By: Bucky205

Many of us walk boundry trails or firebreaks going into the woods.

It is not illegal to walk boundary trails or firebreaks!!!

Originally Posted By: Bucky205
Many of us park on the side of paved roads and walk in from there.

If you are pulled off the road and parked on your own property you are 100% legal!!!

Originally Posted By: Bucky205
Many of us pass through or come upon timber operations that we pass through.

There is nothing against the law about walking up on a timber operation while hunting and getting a ticket for it!!!!

Originally Posted By: Bucky205
If you go with the LEO's definition that ticked me. All of those place mentioned rate the same ticket that I received.

No, I don't believe so. If you really believe half of the stuff that you are saying, you have more problems than a hunting violation ticket!!!

Just because you have been ticketed for a hunting violation that was clearly avoidable does not mean that you can start making up things. Everytime i get on here and read the comments that have been posted I fall out of my chair from laughing so hard. sleep sleep sleep

I had much rather be tried by twelve than carried to my grave by six!!!!