
49er...it does appear that huntnfish2 has brought out a [possibly] valid point.

Do you think I'm lying about something too?

But I've yet to read nary a post where you took the side of a State of Alabama Game Warden. What's up, man ?

What are you implying? I've posted repeatedly on this forum that I've never been cited for a hunting or fishing violation, and that I've never had a problem with any of the game wardens I have encountered. My personal experience has nothing to do with 9-11-257 and how it is written or enforced anyhow. So, again, what's the point you are saying is valid?

Discussing problems with vague or overbroad laws and unauthorized rules and regulations that game wardens did not write but are expected to enforce is not a general attack on game wardens. On the other hand, if they use the vagueness to write easy tickets, then they deserve criticism for their own actions. If anything, eliminating problems and confusion involving well meaning hunters would help them do their job better as well as help prevent bad feelings between them and hunters.

Interpretation of laws and rules should never be left up to the discretion of an enforcement officer. It should be written clearly enough that the average citizen knows for sure what is expected of him. That's what our courts say.

Since you are interested in game wardens, here's a good guy/bad guy story for you to read. It's about good game wardens chasing a bad game warden. No doubt the bad game warden's word was given a lot of weight when he accused hunters of violations in court before he was finally caught:

The Early Years by Rusty Morrow [page 77 in the magazine]

Then you might want to ask Alan Andress and Corky Pugh if they have ever had a problem with a game warden: grin

State dove hunt shut down