Originally Posted By: Clem
but There is no reason you need 20

Says who? You? How and why?

If I have 3,000 or 5,000 acres and believe I need to kill 20 bucks, and I don't want to bring in five other hunters to fill their 'tags,' then I damn sure shouldn't be told by anyone what I "need" to be doing on my land.

I currently hunt on some land on which my cameras have taken photos of bucks with truly messed-up antlers. I have photos of multiple bucks with screwed-up antlers. It's not just one or two. I've talked with hunters in the area who have seen similar bucks. I'd like to shoot every damned one of them but because of our "tag" and requirements, I cannot. Legally, of course. And I realize that buck genes are only half the equation so that means some does probably need to be whacked.

Yet with some folks saying "Oh, you don't need to shoot more than X-number of deer a season!" and getting that BS pushed through that affects private landowners, it can and does have an effect on people who might genuinely need to do something. Which means you can hunt legally and keep having problems or violate the laws/regs to get done what you need to get done.

don't be too hard on the youngster, remember this was cooks justification for the new limit because it was " biologically unsound to allow a hunter to harvest 120 bucks a year" and his remarks were defended by our resident buck limit committe member.

Super Predator