Originally Posted By: Atoler
Originally Posted By: jlccoffee
Originally Posted By: Atoler
Originally Posted By: WmHunter
[quote=Atoler]2 bucks and 3ish does would be reasonable to me.

Let's be honest: YOU can already do that IF **you** want to! Leave everyone else alone. [/quote

Mine was more of a "not a chance in hell, but what I would love to see happen for my personal benefit" type scenario. It also directly relates to the fact that I don't have large acreage do that with. I hunt mainly public land, with a few very small pieces thrown in. There is no such thing as managing a 50 or 100 acre tract. You can add food and that's it. No one in their right mind can tell me that a doe a day, or 2 a day makes any kind of sense from a biological or need based scenario. You want to make it 2 a day? fine, have special doe days. Or hell make it unlimited does a day, but only a certain amount a year. I'm simply advocating a greater deer density, as well as bigger bucks. Bigger bucks may not be everyones wish. Fine, if that's not your wish, then shoot a doe. or small buck, but There is no reason you need 20

2 bucks and 3 does a year isn't reasonable for 50 acres either...especially if more than one person might hunt there.

Is it not? Well in that case, I guess it's not reasonable on most clubs either, since 50-100 acres a member is a pretty common ratio

Not mine....how do you know what the limit should be for me? You don't know anything about what land I hunt, how many acres it is, how many people hunt it, the carrying capacity or anything else....so why would you make up 2 bucks and 3 does and think that's good for my situation?

Education is the key, because every situation is different. You can't make up any number that is going to be right for all situations.