Here in Bibb Co. I rattled in a spike in the am and again in the pm on the 19th, the next day my son rattled in a mature 7pt but he came out almost completely straight forward with most of his body behind a tree he couldn't get a shot on him.
On the 21st(Monday) I had a doe come out to a food plot at 1pm by herself she took the time to check out my trail camera before she left.
Found a new rub on the 24th,I thought things were about to crank up but it has been pretty dead for the last couple of days, I am thinking that my idea of when the rut happens here is off. I thought that it was around Christmas to the first of January but it may bee more like the first couple weeks of January.

Elite Omnia, Easton FMJ, Axcel Landslyde 5 pin slider.