we have a couple feilds that are really close to some locals. Myself and several other members have been hunting there and had deer ran off by their dogs. One was a buddy videoing his 9yr old daughter about to shoot a 120in 10. Right before she was getting ready to pull the trigger a dog came running out on the other end of the field and took off after the deer. I saw the video. Was a really nice deer. Cant say I didnt do it in my younger years but as I've matured I dont and wont shoot someone's pet. But it is an irritating situation when you pay big money, drive 2hrs for an afternoon hunt only to have it ruined by the neighbors pet. The problem to be is when it comes to be an everyday occurrence. A one time occurrence is no problem and can somewhat be expected if hunting close to a dwelling. o If I ever reached that point again to where I felt I needed to do it, I wouldn't tell a soul. The locals are there all the time and could do what ever they wanted to our place 8 months out of the year. I'd hate have all my shooting houses burned down just because a d0g ran a deer off of mel

If your decoy doesnt have holes in it, your not letting him get close enough... J.H.

"Life lessons are almost never found where you think they should be, sometimes they're in the middle of a small, muddy creek in the woods with steep banks"... DeadorAlive