Originally Posted By: shooters
Originally Posted By: wishbone
I here you shooters. I will say if you shoot someones pup or dog out here in Country where I live, they will find you and said person would regret it dearly !
Im from the" Country" where you live. Grew up around ST.Clair county and Steel Flat woods. I know all the stories. Point is just because you think your going to kill someone for kill a dog, DOESNT mean its going to work-out for you. I cant honestly beleive that some people on here woulkd put more value on an aniamals life than a HUMAN life. After all their just aniamals. Shooting dogs is a personal choice. I just find it sad that people put more value on aniamls live VS human.

say that to someone that needs that dog to live their daily lives.... Pets mean a lot to people, some people buy or get pets and leave them outside chained up only to get food once a day and freeze during the winter. Once the pet gets big and not cute anymore they get rid of it and go for another dog.... People like that shouldn't get pets and I'd be willing to bet they are not the greatest parents either..

Pets are truly the best companion that one could have. they don't care if you stink, or a jerk they love you no matter what.

Last edited by Ian; 12/24/14 05:12 PM.