I've said it before and I'll say it again. Yes I love dogs and I will not apologize for that once so ever. I've take plenty of brow beatings because of it. From some prominent members on this board haha! However Troy posted that it was illegal to shoot dogs that didn't pose a threat. So a dog running through your property ismt posing a threat am I correct? So we talk out of both sides of our mouths here. It's ok for us to break the law if it benefits us? Just a month ago we were all in an uproar about the Ferguson mo deal where they were looting. They were breaking the law plain and simple and so are you for shooting dogs. The law is the law whether we like it or not. Shoot a dog or ruin a hunt? I'll let it ruin my hunt. I have learned that if Jesus wants me to kill a deer...I will kill it with no scent blocker clothing with a 223 after chasing off four stray dogs. He is still on the throne and though sometimes we and myself included don't think that everything is truly made by a divine appointment. In short leave the dogs alone and know that God is in control and have faith that your hunt didn't get ruined by a dog!