Originally Posted By: BhamFred
Originally Posted By: Clem
then gives them tickets for loaded guns on the highway.

This is against the law?

not as stated. No such loaded gun in a vehicle or or on a highway. Unless it was for hunting from a highway or hunting from a motor vehicle.

Clem, FYI, a LOT of city popo think it is against the law to have a loaded long gun in a vehicle. My youngest brother dang near went to jail in Bham for having an UNLOADED shotgun, in a case, in his truck. Dumbass Bham cops said he was under arrest for "having a gun"...period. If I hadn't been there he would of gone to jail.

My guess would be the loaded guns were cited as evidence they were 'hunting' at night from a vehicle after he observed their behavior.

But, just guessing!