I don't have a dog in this fight, and it really doesn't matter to me either way. That being said, I'll now point out what jumped off the picture to my eyes.

If you look at it zoomed in a bit as in on a laptop, there is some kind of odd looking marks around the tops of the G2s, 3s, and 4s. Almost looks like seams in the pic. These marks resemble the fine lines like the tree branches in the background but are much to high on the horizon to be part of the natural background and kinda form a halo, so to speak, around the antlers. At first I thought my screen was dirty, but they wont wipe off and they scroll with the pic. I don't know anything about photoshop so it may or may not be. Also, whats up with the shoulder?

If this is real, and I cant help but to be cynical, then it looks like it's 3' wide.

If it's real, it's a amazingly great buck.

Last edited by metalmuncher; 12/20/14 07:04 PM.