Originally Posted By: Joe4majors
Dang 1-inch tree! Alright...so this is more of less my first year deer hunting, aside from climbing up trees with a bow as a kid. After my first deer and finally going to have a good stretch of time to get in the woods pretty often. In-laws offered to watch my kid for the night, wife is out of town, so I made a mad rush to the woods. Went to an area where we saw deer earlier in the week, but have not had a chance to do proper scouting. Basically, leaned up against a big tree about 50 years from a large clearcut. Very thick in the woods too, but had one area (upwind) where I could see decently. Had been sitting there for about 45 minutes when I hear what sounded like a goat coming up from behind me. A few minutes later a small buck is coming through the thick brush. I suppose he heard me moving since I had to turn a bit with him approaching from behind my left shoulder. He was 15 yards away, could see most of his body, but there was a tree right in from of his vitals. Of course my heart was racing. He's there for about a minute while I'm running through my mind whether or not to take an obstructed shot. Decided to pass since he would (hopefully) be walking into a more open area. He starts moving again, but by the time he's in the open area he's going too fast for a shot (75 yards). Perhaps I should have made some type noise to get him to stop. I'm getting closer!

I always yell STOP!!!

You can't kill em from the couch