Originally Posted By: truedouble

Good point, but for us 4 1/2 year old bucks aren't that rare. I guess we suck at hunting, so plenty of them make it to maturity. What that does allow me is the ability to get plenty of pictures of and track quite a few bucks from young to middle age to maturity and not very many will make 140. I struggled with this a few years ago, but now I just accept the facts and realize that any mature buck with it's chin on the ground is a quite an accomplishment. But again, this is just on our place… but also what I've seen on a couple of other very good places I've hunted in other areas of the state.

This is very true where I hunt also. I also struggled with this for several years I thought if I could afford to or just be lucky enough to get in the right club where they only shot big deer I would be able to kill a 140 + every year. I got to where I could afford it and now I have now realized that is an unrealistic goal in Alabama. Now I realize that if you are in the right club you can have an opportunity to kill a mature deer every year but odds are he will only score 115-125 took me while but I have finally accepted that fact and hunting is a lot more enjoyable now the way it use to be when I was much younger and just wanted to kill something with horns. I would have loved to have hunted some of the places that these guys talk about years ago when you could set on a field one afternoon and see 40-50 deer but I think those days are pretty much gone.

If you're gonna be stupid you better be tough.