Originally Posted By: timbercruiser
Jerry Jinright of the Pike County area is probably one of the longest tenured game warden in the state. I think he has close to 45 years in and is still working.

I have a funny story about that guy.

Back in the late 70's when I was a little feller (6 years old), we went and visited my dads cousin in Montgomery one fall weekend. My mom and me and my sister stayed with the cousins wife and kids all weekend. My dad and his cousin Ken were going to go build some stands and do some work at a little hunting club they were in. My grandpa came along because while they were working he wanted to shoot a few squirrels. At some point during the morning a big ol doe wandered by my grandpa and he shot the dang thing and killed it with his .22. My dad was none to pleased and after a lengthly tracking job they found the deer. They threw that thing in back of Ken's Bronco and hauled tail back to Montgomery. They pulled in the yard and unloaded that thing and was trying to get it gutted and quartered. It was cool to me because at 6 years old seeing a deer was a big deal to me, so I am sure I was all in the way. Well...... one of the neighbors called the Game Warden because they saw them skinning a deer out and it wasn't season. Actually it was bow season but they didn't know that. So about half way through the skinning/quartering job, Mr. Jinright pulls in the driveway and gets out of his truck. He came back in the back yard and started checking licenses. He asked how the deer was killed and my grandpa told him it was shot with a bow. He looked at him with his head cocked to the side and said "That don't look like no arrow hole". He started prodding deeper. My grandpa (who passed in 94) insisted he shot the deer with a field point. After much talking Mr. Jinright left. About 10 minutes later he came back clearly agitated and started talking about "Throwing some asses in jail if I don't get the correct story". He stomped around and yelled some more and then picked the hide up and said he was going to take it to some lab and have it examined for gunpowder residue, unless my grandpa wanted to tell him what happened. They told him to go ahead. He loaded up the hide and left. About 10 minutes went by and he pulled back in the driveway looking crazy and got out of his truck. He stormed into the back yard and threw that deer hide at my granddads feet and said "The best thing you two (talking to my dad and grandpa) sonofabi***es can do is get in that truck and take your arses back to Jefferson Co and don't let me ever catch you in Montgomery Co again! Then he stormed off and that's the last we saw of him. In my six years I had never seen a man get that red faced and mad.

"Some men are mere hunters; others are turkey hunters."

-- Archibald Rutledge