Matt, if you would have let it ride from the start this would have died in a day or two and nobody would have known any worse. It's a great deer and there is no reason it shouldn't have its pic on the forum. No it should not have the location it was killed or who killed it if they didn't want that info posted. But a generic pic of that deer does no harm. i understand fully not wanting the details out to the public and I'm sure the original poster felt the same way and that's why he listed a false location is my guess.
I looked at the pic the first day and said, " damn, Hamilton just put off a dang good deer" and went about my day. After 17 pages of back and forth "now" I'd like to know where it really came from.
To the lady that shot it, congrats and I hope you kill another one that's even bigger and doesn't come with half the headache. I hope you will enjoy it enough to share it with others, if not I understand that as well.
And yes the ol duck hole/ fishing hole gar hole is always the best route.

"Hell with them fellows, buzzard got to eat same as a worm"
Josey Wales