Guys, I understand it's just deer hunting. But, when other people make it so bothersome to even have fun on your own property, then it's just best to keep quiet. That's a personal decision. I know a lot of you work very hard too. I don't get too worked up over the lies and rumors. It's keeping idiots off of your property that's the problem. If I am paying money, using my resources for a piece of ground that is MINE, then spending time keeping idiots off is not how I want to spend my deer season. The road hunting, trespassing, poaching, baiting on the line, etc gets to be more than what a person can handle. In the end it is a deer. There are more important things to worry about. BUT, a person should have the right to enjoy their land without the headaches that come along with the aforementioned problems. So to me, it's not worth talking about. I'd rather shut my mouth, enjoy my hunting, share it with a few close friends and family, and leave everyone else out of it.