Originally Posted By: PRB
Originally Posted By: Matt Brock
They don't get it. Never will.

Yeah, I get it. It's a DEER. Nothing more, nothing less. I've killed a trailer truckload of them from a spike up to a 165" and in the end they're still just deer. To me, a big part of the enjoyment of hunting and killing a good deer is sharing it with others. I live in a small town and when you kill a good one, everyone hears about it. Sure there are some that will talk and make accusations and that's fine. It doesn't bother me in the least. If I ever get to the point where I kill a good deer and feel like I need to keep it a government secret for fear of what others say or do, I'll hang it up. It's not that serious to me.

Amen! thumbup to you and Talltines.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!