I stated earlier that it probably wouldn't be a conventional loan. Any bank worth their salt, after seeing that the man owns his house, vehicles, pieces of equipment, etc. free and clear, will have no problem getting him a loan for a vehicle. Surely, some collateral just in case in something goes wrong. I don't see many snags for the man securing a loan from a reputable bank and/or credit union. Not blaming the dealers, they got one thing in mind and that is getting him in the vehicle today, regardless of any other circumstances. I'd imagine that situation would involve a sit down @ the bank face to face. Personally, my opinion is that if you want a 30K vehicle, save 10-12K buy a nice used a few years prior to the one you want, pay cash, stay on the debt free train. I think it's totally awesome for someone not to owe nobody or entity anything other than the bare necessities. A feat that I'm sure all too few of us know about.

"Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more, you should never wish to do less." --General Robert E. Lee