I have a small tract of land and only about 2 acres is huntable. By huntable, I mean that's the only part of the land that has woods and isn't part of the yard to the house where the dog roams. This is mostly hardwoods with occasional pines. We had a great acorn crop this year, but from what I can tell, most of them are from oaks I've identified as water oaks. Only have a few white oaks, a good bit of reds, and a ton of water oaks. Sorry for the long post ahead..

I put up a camera about two months ago and I have deer. I have a few small bucks, spikes, and a bunch of does. I was feeding them corn up until the start of gun season. I don't bow hunt so I figured why not feed until I actually start hunting. Surprisingly, the deer still come to the old feed site, but I'm only guessing for how long they will continue without anything there.

My bucks have not been on camera since opening day. No surprise really, but I do wonder where they went.

I'm not the best in hunting. I hunted in my teens and learned a lot about it, but I've forgotten more than I'd like.

I have sign everywhere, but I'm not sure exactly how to read it. There are a few small scrapes I found, and they are within 10' of one another. They are about 20" in diameter. Here's one of the two

I also have rubs. These are on two trees in the same vicinity of the scrapes. These trees are about 8' apart. I looked for more in a line but these were the only two I saw.

They don't look particularly fresh though. I assume they might have been used some months back possibly for velvet removal..?

All this sign is in an area of the corner of the woods about 20' from the edge of the yard. It's crazy to me how close it is to the house - about 60 yards away. fresh droppings everywhere..even some clumped together (buck?).

I have not done any more major scouting over the remainder of the 2 acres of woods, because I'm afraid human intrusion may ward the deer away. I bet I might find more though If I were to look.

Both sides and the back of my land are surrounded by undeveloped woods, and I assume that this is where a lot of habitat is. Some of it may be on my land, but I don't know how to identify trails and bedding areas. Again, I assume they were only really coming onto my land because of the feeding I did. I could be wrong though.

I got started with this way too late this year to think about any kind of green fields or food plots. This summer I will definitely do this because I know this will draw them in. I am fenced all the way around with barbed wire about 4' high, but I know that is nothing for a deer to jump.

I've been in a climbing stand a few times and hunting on the ground too. I have not seen anything yet. Not a single deer.

I do hunt the wind and am prepared with scent free clothes and all the major precautions and preparations. I think the reason I'm not seeing anything is because I'm not set up on travel corridors or anywhere that they may be using on my land. Like I said, what reason do they have to come if there is no benefit like a food plot or bedding areas.

I'd be thankful for any help. I'm just trying to put some meat in the freezer.