Well we have not killed one yet, but we have been after them hard here in Mississippi. Not sure the deal but we did not see a deer friday and saturday. Getting these into a 30yd range on ground is proving to be difficult. It has become an enjoyable learning experience for us both. Setting blinds and getting set up with ALL the gear. Camera and tripod, crossbow and caldwell tripod, plus chairs etc. He did shoot a 7mm 08 over the weekend off a sled and center punched the target twice. But I wont get him one until next year. This year we are on a mission to get one with crossbow. I put on a scope instead a red dot and he is spot on.
I have found a path I am gonna take and giving it over to God. We will see where it goes.
I have began filming every aspect of our hunts, the preparation, the talks, the hunts. One thing I have noticed is that God uses the Outdoors to teach me personal lessons. I love hunting and it becomes my god a lot of times. He has humbled me a lot and spoke to me through some crazy experiences. Hunt4Jesus Outdoors was created through all that. It is more than the Kill! It is about the Hunt. Seeking him in the midst of it all! I think we lose track sometimes.
If anyone knows of a good lease with possible lodging coming up for next season I would be interested in discussing. South of Montgomery.
Also still looking to swap out some shirts, etc. for a hunt for my son.