Originally Posted By: ElkHunter
I think there are lots of parts to this puzzle. I work properties that were once awesome turkey and deer hunting properties. Each of these properties have the same thing in common. They are covered with raccoons, coyotes, and hogs. I wish there were more studies to evaluate these impacts. I believe these 3 do have an impact on the populations and I have had that belief well before I started a business.


This subject has been studied to death, even in Alabama. Google it. This is one of the papers, look at the literature cited. Also look for Speake here in Alabama. No question that predator control will help a turkey population. Lots of questions if a reduction in gobbler bag limits will. In fact, I believe that the limit was 6 a few years back, why hasn't the population increased when we reduced the limit by 17%? Hmmm.

Originally Posted By: ElkHunter
A combination of dropping the limit and addressing the predators could help turkeys rebound in just a few years. Deer will take much longer.

Again, simply explain to me the biology of how reducing the spring gobbler limit will help turkeys rebound in just a few years. Where is this mythical place where gobblers are over-harvested and such a reduced portion of the population. Low populations are one thing but a shortage of gobblers is entirely another.

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