Matt I knew the state could not pay the bounty

what about the part about snares with deer stops used as a tool.
is there any way we can get the law changed so they can be used even with restrictions , as elkhunter again said he beleaves only trapping will help with the problem with predators, and he is right traps are not cheap by almeans but with a simple snare with deer stops which will not harm a dog or deer, but will basicly hold the yote till the trapper gets there under the 24 hour can get 200 snares with deer stops for the price of a dz yote traps that a long would make it profitable for both the clubs and the trappers,

I agree there is less and less trappers every year, the reason why is our fur has little money value, not worth the cost to spend 200 bucks a dz for a proper trap, by the time you add in fuel, and other supplys a beginner will be right at 2 grand just to start out.just not worth it for a five buck yote and beaver that keeps trappers out of the picture but snares all you need is your snares and fuel and your back up running.

I am not trying to push any thing here, just trying to help with a solution to a problem

suck it up,grow a bigger pair and love what GOD gave you