I've hunted two places that had a dog problem. One was in the middle of nowhere and was all wild dogs. Those suckers were mean. I had a pack of them come up on me right as I was getting to my stand. I hopped up the tree as they ran up and they sat there circling and growling at the base. I took the time to put 2 more shells in the gun and killed 5 of the 7 before they got out of sight. This same property, I witnessed a mangy chow looking dog about 10yds behind a pretty young 8pt running through the swamp. He didn't catch him.... The other place i spoke of is overrun with a mix of dropped off dogs and peoples pets, but you would have dogs come through nearly every hunt and it really got aggravating. After a year or two of this, I talked to animal control and they said they couldn't do anything, but if it was on my property the. I could basically use my discretion. So we went around and talked to a bunch of the locals and told them the problems we were having and that we didn't want to shoot them, but were about to start. Well we saw no change and a few months later a club member got fed up and put 3 or 4 down in one day. After that the dogs magically stopped showing up.