Originally Posted By: burbank

NO ONE is defending their actions.

Would you call your black friends a "chimp" to their faces?

What about the black customers?

The point is that your comment could have been made without chimp.

Originally Posted By: mirage243
Doekiller, the problem is you think it's wrong for me to execute my right to free speech, which is legal, but you think it's ok to pillage, plunder and loot, which is not.

BTW, I have black customers and black friends, they get the same respect that any one else does. These thugs in Ferguson are nothing more than savages and should be treated as such. Some of you just don't get it, and to defend them and their actions is wrong.

Thank you. I have never said what those people were doing was okay or justified. It certainly is not. But, that can be said without adding the racist undertones to it.