Originally Posted By: mirage243
Originally Posted By: Bowfool
Originally Posted By: bamachem

Originally Posted By: mirage243
Me and ten of my friends could have kept Flourison Avenue safe last night and not a single building would have got burned. You cap a couple of those chimps and the rest will leave.

The stupid-ass bigoted comments are getting old.
I agree. No, what is happening in the streets is not right, but taking it to the opposite extreme down right stupid!

I'll pose the same question to you sir, what is extreme about protecting your property from lawless thugs? I bet if it was your business being burned to the ground you would feel different, but since it wasn't then you feel it's ok?

There is nothing wrong with protecting your property. What you can't seem to fathom is that calling someone a chimp is racist. Monkey, chimp, knuckle dragger are all racist terms if they are applied to someone of color.