Originally Posted By: daniel white
I agree with most all of this thread. The best thing to do is just SSS, when it involves hunting dogs, will save a lot of tempers from flaring. BUT when it involves my living or especially my family, oh yea they gone. I'll kill the piss out of em. I have always believed once a dog chews on or kills livestock you can't ever break him. I killed one of oldest daughters dog, he chewed up a newborn calves ears, then two days later almost killed a calf. Soooo I had to send him on to see baby Jesus. A lot of people drop off strays and mangey mutts on our dirt road, so they get aggravating, turn wild, then they get a trip to the sky.


I don't believe in shooting hunting dogs but I hate folks running them on property that isn't theirs. I'll take them to a shelter every time if it is a repeat offense.