1983, and I was hunting just out of Moundville on a 4000ac place. I had killed a nice buck, then saw a monster in the corn fields. Went back the next day to kill him, took my two daughters, 3 and 5 . I held their hands as we walked down the field road than went along the corn, thick swamp to our right. I had my 25/06 upside down on my left shoulder, sleeping bag over my shoulders to wrap the girls in.

Youngest said "there's a dog", medium black cur. I didn't want to shoot it in front of the girls so I made no move for my rifle. Suddenly the dog growled at us and came barrelling from 30 yards out. A second dog joined from behind the first, both charging in. I let go of the girls...slung the sleeping bag..rolled the rifle up and killed the first dog at 15 yards. Second dog sidestepped and was killed at 10 yards. A third dog had joined and now turned. I gut shot it, then finished it with my last in-rifle load.

DAMN, that was fast. 3 year old is bawling, I'm trying to calm her....and 5 year old calmly says "here come another one"......

I turn and a larger yote looking dog is coming in..FAST and low. I have extra shells in my bluejeans, UNDER my camo pants. I can't seem to get to them....I pull the girls to me and kick the dog as it makes a grab at the 3 year old. He rolls away, growling. I slam him with the rifle..HARD...and he spins away. My fingers touch the extra shell in my pocket. I think the dog reads my face and bolts away....across the cut corn. ERROR....75 yards going straight away and I peel him from back to front along the spine with that 25/06.

The dog spins and yelps, flopping around. I have one shell left. I ain't wasting it on his ass...we have 1/2 mile to go to the truck. The 5 year old says "if I'd had my 22 it would of been a shootout"...and the 3 year old is scared to go into the woods for years afterward.

The lesson here is what would of happened if your wife had taken your daughters for a walk at the hunting club while you hunted elsewhere on the property...and ran into those dogs?????

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one