I've never and will never shoot a collard dog on our place unless it turns it's teeth up at me. Years ago before the coyotes killed them all we had a bad problem with feral dogs. It seems our place was a common dumping ground for unwanted puppies by our ghetto neighbors. They roamed in packs and would take down a healthy buck with no problem. Several witnessed this but i only saw the aftermath of the kill.

This one afternoon hunt in late January I had the place to myself. It was during the rut so I went deep into the swamp to get a chance at a nice buck I had been hunting since October. As I approached my stand I put out a scent pad and covered it in doe in heat. No less than five minutes later before I could even get in the stand good these three wild dogs ran straight to the scent pad and the alpha dog started to fight the other two. This distraction gave me the opportunity to bolt one in chamber of my 7 mag. They were less than thirty yards away and I was about twenty feet above them. The alpha dog got it first to the head while one took off running only to stop at fifty yards to see what was going on. It got it next. The third dog never checked up and I hit him in front shoulder on the run at about a hundred yards. My finest shooting ever! I don't know what made me the maddest. Was that they messed up my hunting or that I had to go and pick them nasty things up and dispose of them. At one time they were as bad if not worse than coyotes.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!