It has been my experience that most of the ones who annually kill their limit do it on thousands of acres. I am not saying that small tracts can't produce a limit, but most of the ones I know that kill their limit consistently (which is quite a few)do it on scattered tracts which they are fortunate enough to have quite a few of to hunt. Most of the limit killers I know, won't wipe out a particular tract....which may be why they kill a limit most every year. They kill a turkey off of a tract, then move on to somewhere else. I basically do the same thing, on a much smaller scale. A 2-3 bird season is great for me, rarely do I kill more, but as a turkey hunter I will not overhunt a place. I don't think that most turkey hunters will kill more than they feel they should on a particular tract. I feel like most seasonal turkey kill numbers per man are most likely proportional to the amount of land and time a hunter has to hunt turkeys. I would like to know opinions about this relationship as I think that there may be something to it.