From my 5 year QDMA study on 800 acres as of last year many posts here are pretty accurate and then some didn't pertain to the 800 I studied.

I had every natural source for the deer to utilize. I added the large and small food plots and bait piles. I had whole corn, food blocks, attractants, field corn on the cob etc. at the bait piles. I had 24 camera's spread around at bait piles, plots, creek crossings, rut trails, scrapes, path ways to bedding areas, power line crossings, white oak forests, clear cut edges etc.

One thing as mentioned before the #1 thing that trumps anything out there for deer is "hunger" The rut doesn't compare, it just makes bucks stupid and the deer more active racing around causing....... "hunger" I never used any cover scents, gloves etc. when doing any feeding or cam checking each Saturday for 5 years all year long. They still showed up and sometimes just hours since I was there.

If you stink naturally, smoke, drink alcohol, dog crap on your boots, fried food smell then expect to be had either hunting or just visiting briefly to the spot. 4 wheelers, vehicles exhaust and oil leaks don't help either and leave residual funk way after your gone.

I had deer at bait stations day or night at anytime of the year, 3-4 year old bucks were the oldest I estimated while studying. All the deer got used to the bait piles quickly and the doe doesn't give a crap what's up most of the time if not pressured so, if she smells like a walking restaurant to the others they'll follow and you know who will follow also (Mr. buck)

I'm giving info from the study I performed doing the QDMA test and didn't have any pressure on the herd like "Vietnam" as fore mentioned from another member. The "brown it's down" theory didn't exist and I hate that theory anyway. This may or may not mimic your given locations but, I had all that time to study the herd of over 40 deer not counting stranger bucks that wandered in during the rut or were (spikes) chased off from neighboring property looking for a new turf to call home.

There was 1250 acres around this 800 that was QDMA practiced and not a battlefield either full of hunters using that dreaded BID theory. It was hunted and Mature bucks 8pt and 5 years up were harvested giving me the obvious of why the younger 3=4 year old 6 and 8pts were what I observed.

The deer browsed regardless of what we put out there BUT, the 40 (not all together of course) always, several times in a 24 hour period would visit the food dumps or plots for a quick taste. Just like clockwork.

I'll post some of the junk I used and the plots. I'll dig up some of the deer pics as well. The bucks are not goliath like up North but, were good for GA deer anyway.

Put it out and they'll come when their ready and I saw deer regardless of wind, rain, cold or even sitting up/down wind.

Personal hygiene, sitting still, cover and concealment works. It won't if you have mega jokers rambling around, smoking, hollering, atv's, trucks etc. racing back and forth or hunters coffee'd up or geeked up + being impatient.

I could've killed mega deer over corn there's no doubt about it.

4 - Reconyx SC950's
1 - Reconyx XR6 Ultra Fire
4 - Homebrew Units

**Don't waste $$ on those midrange priced cameras**