I would just like to find a fellow smart enough to run a quality hunting club for a PROFIT!

I usually wind up spending MORE than any of the other members. And, it kinda irritates me when they say anything about how much they spent......or, what they have done........when they have never even asked about the 'Big Picture' or taken into account all the BS phone calls, landowner relations, neighbor relations, coordination, and just TIME and EFFORT involved in keeping it all together.

If your hunting is less than you expect, or there are legitimate Rules being broken/not enforced, then that is legit.
BUT, if you are just worrying about things that you suspect and do not directly affect you, save yourself the grief and just HUNT and have FUN!

Not to mention, most Club Presidents are the leaseholders as well. Few are truly 'elected'. So, in a sense.......it is their lease. And, although I do not, I do know many people who basically front the money for the lease and then sell enough memberships to cover all costs....including their own. And, after doing it the way I have for years, I do not blame them one bit!