Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I too have been in a situation where I was in need of some gas money (I'd left my wallet at home)...but I always have had enough cash or spare change stuck back somewhere either in my truck or go bag to get me where I was going. I tend to over-prepare as it is (the bag also always has a .40 cal, two full spare mags, a surefire flashlight, spare batteries for it, and Quik-Clot in it...among other things). But, I can definitely understand the situation of those in a bind and are in need.

It depends upon the person and the situation, I guess. But I promise, if they get too close or it seems fishy...I am not an easy target.

But, I think if you can help, you should help.

Carrying a gun isn't comfortable; but at times it is comforting

"Cause the cause for the pause you think you see is really concentration on the steel” NonPoint