Originally Posted By: Ian
one dude is Indian and most likely not a muzzie

Really? do you REALLY believe that?

He is a muslim...a chicago muslim activist and writer actually. He is your TYPICAL Obozo appointee. Muslim, an activist, and from Chicago. Also from a so called "non profit" community organization. In other words...a community organizer! Just like his boss.

30 seconds of looking would have let you see that.

Eboo Patel is a member of President Barack Obama's inaugural Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.[1][2] He is an American Ismaili Muslim of Gujarati Indian heritage and founder and president of the Interfaith Youth Core[1], [3] a Chicago-based international nonprofit that aims to promote interfaith cooperation.[4]

Last edited by outdoorobsession; 10/21/14 03:19 AM.