No dog in the fight here but how many of the naysayers actually do? Here's my $.02. whether you want it to be like the way it is or not, you might as well assume that it is a club. It's a very well ran club. If you pay dues to hunt a 15k acre lease, you will get less support and more buddy system problems and you will pay more. Do you know of any other associations stepping up and offering a free service to improve the deer herd in OM? There would be plenty of room to speculate if the results were not obvious. If you don't like the way it's run, do your part and let it be known in the correct venue. Otherwise, hunt the WMAs or pay your $1k+ to hunt a lease and deal with belly aching over how he shot "your deer". I personally do not wish to do this for the same reason I lease my land with only a few of my family members, I simply like to have more options of when and where and how I hunt. As long as I follow the state regs of hunting, I don't have to follow "club rules" if I don't want to.

Sorry for the long, and probably terribly auto corrected, post but I don't see what the big problem is if the BHA is producing desired results. As Shaw said, it's not a WMA. So, why run it like one?

Bass Bandito