I've been waiting for the time to try one of these monsters....late Jan it all came together. I owned two(now one wink ) buffalo bulls to put in the freezer. I decided to use my Dwyer Defiant longbow and a stone pointed arra. The bulls were in a large rough pasture and NOT tame or approachable. I made a 300 yard stalk and came up below the crest of a drop off to within 30 yards of them. They started walking my way and at 15 yards I launched a hickory shafted arra with a self knapped Texas point.....

I hit him thru the left shoulder into the lungs, he wheeled and ran back to the right. I launched a second hickory shaft with a Coastal Plains Dalton style point attached, hitting the running bull a wee bit back...point broke on a big rib and penetrated only six inches.

But the first arra had done the deed, the eight year old, 2000#, bull went maybe 250 yards and down.....

Thats my grandson Dylan, along to help drag the bull out to the truck laugh shocked He will tell you he is now a Buffalo hunter.....

one of THREE freezers holding buffalo meat...prolly 600 pounds of all cuts.

hide drying with salt , to be tanned. Prolly 75-80 sq. feet.

I'm going to go eat one of those buffalo burgers right now..... cool


I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one